Kubernetes in Action

We will be studying the book "Kubernetes in Action" by Marko Luksa and meeting every week for two months to discuss the material and answer any questions you have.


Join our group for Kubernetes

Are you interested in learning about Kubernetes and DevOps? Our mentoring group is the perfect opportunity for you to get started! We will be studying the book “Kubernetes in Action” by Marko Luksa and meeting every week for two months to discuss the material and answer any questions you have.

To join our group, you should have a basic understanding of Linux and Docker fundamentals. This includes at least an LPIC1 certification or equivalent knowledge. We will be covering advanced topics related to Kubernetes, so it’s important to have a solid foundation in these areas before diving in.

Here’s what you can expect from our mentoring group:

  • We will study the book “Kubernetes in Action” by Marko Luksa by following a schedule that covers all the core concepts and advanced topics related to Kubernetes.
  • Every week, we will have a session where we discuss the material we covered that week. You should come to the session having read the pages that we have selected for that week.
  • We will ask questions about the material covered in the book and randomly select a student to describe it. This will help you stay engaged with the material and retain what you’ve learned.
  • If you’re not prepared for the session, we ask that you donate to a charity of your choice and send us a receipt. This is to encourage everyone to stay on track and come prepared for each session.

Here’s our schedule for the mentoring group:

Week 1:

1. Introducing Kubernetes - page 1
2. First steps with Docker and Kubernetes - page 25

Week 2:

3. Pods: running containers in Kubernetes - page 55
4. Replication and other controllers: deploying managed pods - page 84

Week 3:

4.1. Services: enabling clients to discover and talk to pods - page 120
4.2. Volumes: attaching disk storage to containers - page 159

Week 4:

4.3 ConfigMaps and Secrets: configuring applications - page 191
4.4 Accessing pod metadata and other resources from applications - page 225

Week 5:

9. Deployments: updating applications declaratively - page 250
10. StatefulSets: deploying replicated stateful applications - page 280

Week 6:

11. Understanding Kubernetes internals - page 309
12. Securing the Kubernetes API server - page 346

Week 7:

13. Securing cluster nodes and the network - page 375
14. Managing pods' computational resources - page 404

Week 8:

15. Automatic scaling of pods and cluster nodes - page 437
16. Advanced scheduling - page 457

Week 9:

17. Best practices for developing apps - page 477
18. Extending Kubernetes - page 508

The mentoring group will be held for a total of 9 weeks, with one session per week. Each session will be approximately 1.5 hours long.

Please note that the deadline for accepting new members is March 30th, 2023. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you for considering the mentoring group, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!”